Monday, 29 March 2010

Kristina Sack kitchen stuff

This is a fantastic kitchen supply shop I happened upon one day. Wow.

Very helpful owner and the wares are unique and well displayed.

Dom Pedro in all his glory

At the end of Frundsberg Straße is this protestant church. Bavaria is predominantly Catholic in nature. Politically and socially. Nevertheless, there are churches from the 'other' team in the cities.

This is ours in Neuhausen. Assure you I've never been inside. Would certainly be struck by lightning were I to cross the threshhold.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Grrl Computer School

This is a novel idea. Some women'd never take a computer class for fear of being embarrassed in front of tech savvier men.

Solution? Bar the dudes from taking part. It's a computer school for chicks.

When I walk by, I imagine clove cigarettes and Indigo Girls on the record player. Grrl Power!

Want this balcony

I covet this balcony in Frundsberg Straße. Inappropriately so.

Ruffini in the background

Neuhausen-Nymphenburg's left-leaning, free-trade, no leather or mobile phones allowed coffee shop/cafe.

My mate Jeff says this is the kind of place you might foment a revolution. But organic coffee first.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Jagdschlössl on Rotkreuzplatz

This place is an institution. Before smoking was outlawed in all restaurants/bars in Bavaria, a law which has since been relaxed considerably, this place was the only one I knew of that had a non-smoking room.

My parents loved this place when they visited. Despite the fact that my father was perplexed that I spoke German but couldn't read the menu (it was in Bavarian-indecipherable).

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Freedom Place

This is a nice little patch of green where dog owners neglect to clean up after their dogs. Dog freedom.

There's also a memorial to those who resisted the Nazis during the war. There were a few.

Frundsberg Straße starts here at this intersection. It's one of the nicest residential/small shops streets in the area.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

What does the title mean?

I live in this neighbourhood. I stalk it. On Saturday mornings, I walk around and talk to shop owners and take photos.

One day I'll use this information for either good or less good reasons. Probably good.